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Combined Forces Collaboration

The Non Profit who brough you Fallen Heroes: Their Journey Home documentary.

Film Project Description: 

"In collaboration with the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Foundation, Combined Forces Production Collaborative is producing a film about the Ramp Ceremonies in Afghanistan and the Highway of Heroes here at home. The story began in 2002 after the first Canadian casualties at Tarnak Farm and extends through the entire course of the war in Afghanistan.

We believe this is an important story because the Ramp Ceremony and Highway of Heroes phenomenon precipitated an unprecedented outpouring of support from Canadians toward the Canadian Military and was a turning point in Canada's relationship with its Forces. These were ceremonies created by the people for the people and arose from a heartfelt need to pay fitting tribute to our fallen. This story touches every soldier, sailor, aviator and their families across the country and must be told."

This premiere was a collaborative effort joining the creativity of Combined Forces with the social marketing of Giselle of Valour, which led to the success of a sold out event. The premiere was such a success that an additional screening was added to allow those who could not make the premiere, to see the film.

This documentary will air nationally, 11 September 2024, at selected Landmark Cinema's and Cineplex's, across Canada. For more information, you can email Giselle at with the subject line: "Fallen Heroes".

Power in Numbers




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